Erectile Dysfunction

How Cenforce D Treats ED and Premature Ejaculation?

How Cenforce D Treats ED and Premature Ejaculation?

Cenforce D contains Sildenafil Citrate and Dapoxetine which is used to treat sexual dysfunction in men. Sildenafil 100 mg and Dapoxetine 60mg is fast-acting medication that will last up to four hours. It works well for men of all ages, no matter how long the patient has been having a problem with erection and premature ejaculation.

Patients taking Sildenafil to treat male erectile dysfunction should know that it will not permanently cure male erectile dysfunction or boost sexual desire. Dapoxetine in Cenforce D improves the time of ejaculation and may improve control over ejaculation and overcome distress over how quickly you ejaculate. This helps to extend satisfaction with sexual activity. Cenforce D is manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd. and is available in many physical and online stores.

Cenforce D should be taken 30 minutes to 60 minutes before sexual activity. One pill can increase the duration of sexual activity up to 3 times. The concentration of active substances within the blood stays for about 4 hours.

Cenforce-D should be taken orally once each day 1, and swallowed down with water. An hour later, the drug starts to take effect and the man will feel the rush of blood to the genitals, making his penis firm and erect for satisfying sexual activity. Try to avoid taking alcoholic beverages and alcohol, which can hamper the onset of effect.

You should remember that the effects of Cenforce-D will take action only if there’s natural arousal and stimulation.

Before you take a pill of Cenforce, make sure that you consult a doctor. Do not take this medication if you are suffering from chronic high or low vital signs, heart condition, myeloma, leukemia, sickle-cell anemia, deformation of the penis.

Some of the common side effects of Cenforce D include:

  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Redness of the face and neck
  • Vertigo
  • Increased light sensitivity
  • Headache
  • Vital sign surges
  • Digestive disorders

In very rare cases, you can suffer from a drop in vital signs or increased pressure, long-lasting erections with uncontrolled pain. If you notice any severe side effects that last for more than 4 hours, stop taking Cenforce-D immediately and consult a doctor.